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Breast Implants Surgical Procedures
If they are shapely, they give you an attractive appearance and increase your level of confidence.
Women of all ages try to maintain their figure such that they always look young and beautiful.
But the factors like obesity, pregnancy, hormonal disorder etc.
makes the breasts look sagging and unshapely.
Hence body make-over plastic surgery procedures are opted means by woman to keep themselves in perfect shape.
Normally for enhancement of breast size, breast implants are chosen by woman.
In the market today, there are two types of breast implants available-one type is filled with saline and the other type is filled with silicone gel.
The advantage of using a saline-filled implant is that the size of the bust can be increased and decreased through your plastic surgeon injecting saline solution into the implant from outside your body.
The advantage of today's silicone-filled implants is that they look and feel more natural than those which contain saline.
Regardless of the type of breast implant you choose for breast augmentation, both are approved by the FDA and deemed to be safe.
Surgical Procedures for Breast Implant Insertion There are four basic types of surgical implant insertion.
They are: * Inframammary-The incision is made below the bust in the fold.
Ideal for women with sagging breasts.
* Trans-Axillary-The incision is made in the armpit area and allows your surgeon to place your implant behind the chest muscle.
* Trans-Umbilical Breast Augmentation (TUBA)-The incision is made through your belly button and the surgeon works the implant up to the bust area.
* Peri-Areolar-The incision is made around the nipple.
Each of the above surgical procedures has their uses and their limitations as well.
For instance, the TUBA procedure cannot be done using a gel implant, only those which will be filled with saline after placement.
Additionally, peri-areolar procedures can interfere with breast feeding so they are not advised for women who are supposed to become pregnant in the future.
Generally the surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia in the doctor's clinic or outpatient setting.
You can even go home the same day but it all depends on the surgical complication.
Possible Breast Enhancement Surgical Complications As compared to any other surgical process, augmentation of bust is considered to be a major surgery.
Risk is associated with all kinds of operations.
This surgery also comes with some inherent risks.
Some of these include: * Additional surgery required to fix device failures * Additional surgery required to fix devices that have moved out of position * Deflation of saline implants under muscle tissue * Implant rupture requiring replacement * Infection * Change in nipple/bust sensation * Inability to feed children * Chest pain * Chest hematoma While the possible complications are many, the reality is that nearly 95% of women report that they are happy with the augmentation method post-surgery and have had few, if any complications.
Expectations Post-Surgery After your augmentation surgery is completed, you are expected to wear a special support bra for a while.
This bra is used to help keep your new implants from moving into an undesirable location.
Additionally, you will require few weeks for your body to heal before you return to work and other daily activities.
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