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Double Baby Strollers - More Useful Than You Might Think!
If you have pets, and especially if they are smallish, and prone to tiring easily, the second compartment could also be used to tote a weary pet who is eager to tag along, but grateful for a handy place to rest. This is also true if you've got older pets, who tend to tire more easily.
Another possible use was brought to my attention by a woman I know. A single mother and an artist, she only has one child, but specifically purchased a double (in her case, it was a City Elite Double Stroller...the deluxe model with all the requisite bells and whistles) so she could take her art supplies with her to the park.
Play with baby for a little while, feed her, then when she went down for a nap, mom could break out her sketch pad and charcoal, and do a little creating before heading back home later in the afternoon. A most convenient arrangement!
The very best double strollers are well made and sturdy. Theyll last for years, so even if youve only got one child now, if you think that another might be in your future at some point, you may find it to your advantage to take the plunge now and get one, rather than having to buy a second single stroller later (two single capacity strollers can make going anywhere a bit of a logistics nightmare if youre on your own, so its something to think about!)
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