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Set Indoor Climate At The Most Comfortable Level with Cavity Insulation
It has been noted at the end of various insulation related studies that about one third of the heat is likely to be escaped from buildings when that have porous brick walls. More so if your building was constructed after 1930, those brick walls will contain spaces between them for air passage. Though, such building designs were thought as comfort friendly and advantageous in several ways, in those days, but, nowadays, it can be a threat to drastic climate change.
To be precise, this cavity wall building designs pose threat to the earth by deteriorating greenhouse effects and intensifying global warming hazards. You might be wondering how come your brick walls could be so menacing to environment? This is because, the heat lost through your brick walls you want to compensate through using heating equipment is operated by burning fossil fuels. More you burn this energy to use heating, more carbon dioxide is emitting in the environment leafing to havoc greenhouse effects. Around 1 tonne of carbon dioxide is being wasted through heating use in a year.
Luckily, we have this eco-friendly and pocket friendly solution to reduce wastage. It is none other than cavity wall insulation. UK government has altered expensive installation process much more affordable by offering cavity insulation grants. Cavity insulation grants slashes costs of installing cavity wall insulation either partially or fully, depending upon nature of property, property location, household income details, benefits entitled to homeowners etc.
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