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January 5
- 1759: Martha Dandridge Custis marries George Washington
1835: Olympia Brown born (minister)
1869: Sissieretta Jones born (opera singer)
1895: Jeannette Ridlon Piccard born (balloonist)
1918: Jeane Dixon born (astrologer)
1925: Nellie Tayloe Ross sworn in as governor of Wyoming: first woman governer in the United States. (Later, she became the first woman to head the US Mint.)
1932: Raisa Gorbachev born
1970: All My Children premiered on ABC television
Quote for Today
- A successful woman preacher was once asked "what special obstacles have you met as a woman in the ministry?" "Not one," she answered, "except the lack of a minister's wife."
— Anna Garlin Spencer
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