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2012 Ascension and Psychic Insight
It is all a part of the 2012 ascension.
Psychics and lightworkers are aware of this empowering energy.
Many others also recognize the new power inside of the energy vibration now present upon our earth.
If stress and confusion appear to be rising to surface more than ever before here is the way towards clarity and insight.
The 2012 ascension is all about new beginnings and fresh starts.
It is a positive cycle of humanity where mind, body, and spirit growth is given its due credit.
This new energy creates some amazing life situations for us all.
You have the global karma, this is the karma of world leaders and countries, and then you have the individual karma of people like you who are in the midst of it all.
It can be frightening to live with these two opposing points of view but it is exciting at the same time because new opportunities surface.
Many of us wish to express and to apply our spiritual talents.
From a psychic point of view the approach of the the year 2012 brings with it many new opportunities.
This ascension energy will continue to create positive change like never before.
There are a few suggestions on how to handle the ascension shift and become more like the lightworkers, that is those who let the inner light shine more, by this transition into positive change.
Fear and worry are our major enemies.
These emotions contribute nothing to our spiritual evolution and as such they must be our enemies.
It is hard to fight something like these two emotions as they are such a large part of us but for the positive to flourish they must be held in check.
We can encourage, gently at first, a more caring and peaceful approach to living.
If we live a life of kindness and compassion it begins to change our entire energy.
It is the positive values that let our inner light shine and make the 2012 ascension energy easier to handle.
The lightworker code is one of peace and caring.
There is a light code of do no harm to any living being.
It is one of kindness and compassion.
Every living being is a part of the greater whole.
They shine the light wherever they go making it easier for their fellow man to live a life of true values and happiness.
Lightworkers raise the mass consciousness.
Personal development acts of meditation, prayer, and acts of compassion bring a similar positive uplifting vibe.
It is time we all honor and respect our core values.
Decide what is important for you and begin to live it.
If you love life you are on the right track.
The 2012 ascension brings us much hope.
It is a raising of the mass consciousness of mankind.
Many are now ready to release the old negative karmic patterns of the past.
It is positive sign when one begins to work on old deep seated energy blocks.
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