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Juice Plus Business - 2 Killer Techniques to Skyrocket Your Business
This is a big issue as most of us know that 97% of all network marketers of any MLM company spend more money than they make.
This is a fact that you must come to terms with.
Many of us get into the network marketing business but really have no concept of marketing.
We really don't receive any training on how to market using new technology.
I have reviewed many MLM companies and have not found the first one that teaches it's distributors the proper protocol of on line marketing.
Sure, the company may offer a replicated website but you are not instructed on how to use it properly.
Here is something to think about.
How are you going to set yourself apart from all the other distributors in Juice Plus, if you are promoting the same website? You will need to learn how to differentiate yourself from every other distributor out on the net.
How To Rise Above I discovered a while ago to take notice of what everybody is doing and then do the absolute opposite.
I noticed that everyone was pushing their business on every breathing person they come in contact with.
Well if everyone was doing that and 97 out of 100 were failing, why would I want to do the same thing? In my search to be different from the rest I found a philosophy called Attraction Marketing.
Attraction Marketing taught me to no longer promote my company and product out front.
It taught me to begin to promote myself.
I learned how to position myself as a leader in the Industry.
I began to promote myself using the Internet.
My business then changed dramatically over the next 30 days.
The Next 30 Days I will give you the steps I took over the next 30 days.
You should put this blue print into action if you want to change your business.
Make sure to set up accounts on all the popular social sites.
Set up your profile with a nice picture of yourself.
Start to make friends on those sites and begin to develop relationships with the people you meet.
As much as you may want to, do not talk about your business until you have established trust with them.
People do not join businesses, people join people that they like and trust.
The social sites give you the ability to post information for everyone to see.
You do not want to post anything about your business or products.
The best information to post would be information that could help someone grow his or her business or something to help him or her grow personally.
Giving information of value will let you be viewed as a leader, someone willing to help.
The more you are able to help others the more will be returned to you.
This little technique has brought many people into my business.
Many of my people have come from other MLM companies because I was willing to help them even though they were not involved with my opportunity at the time.
This will work for your Juice Plus business as well.
Using this method will allow you to attract more qualified, eager people to join your business.
Make sure to always give people value, even if they are not involved in your opportunity.
If you worry about filling others pockets, your pockets will fill up as if by magic.
Set up a blog.
Blogging is another tool to position you as a leader.
A blog will be your hub for all your marketing efforts.
Any marketing you do should always point back to your blog.
Maybe you are low on funds, you might want to look at the free blog sites.
I would use a paid hosting site; Paid hosting allows you to post any content you wish without getting shut down.
Free sites can shut down you blog without any reason and you could loose all your hard work and links.
Your blog will be used to post your content of value.
Content that others will find useful to build a business.
Content of value is the game winner.
Always post your blog on all the social sites you are involved in.
There are free programs out there that will submit your content to your social sites automatically.
You just learned 2 killer methods that can change your business in the next 30 days.
You will have people contacting you about your Juice Plus business.
Use these 2 killer techniques to take your Juice Plus business to the next level.
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