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No Flash For the iPhone: Who Cares!
Many people seem to think that Flash for the iPhone is the Holey Grail, that once the iPhone gets Flash, it will be the ultimate smart phone (that and a wireless carrier other than AT&T).
Who, exactly, really cares about Flash on the iPhone? Hint: Flash Developers and Adobe.
Most Flash on the web consists of annoying, moving advertising.
We should thank Steve Jobs for keeping that off our iPhones.
But how about movies?You can watch movies on YouTube, New York Times, Facebook, and more.
For Flash movies that are embedded in web pages? Safari, the iPhone web browser, has the ability to play videos embedded with the HTML 5 spec and YouTube is converting it's video format to the HTML 5 format.
What's more, with over 17,000,000 iPhones, you can bet that websites will soon convert to the new HTML five spec.
The three browsers that matter--Firefox, Chrome, and Safari--are all capable of displaying movies in the HTML 5 spec.
Finally, most modern websites do not use Flash for critical functions like navigation, search, or content.
As a result, your iPhone is not missing much by not having Flash.
My iPhone does just fine without Flash.
Plus, I think Apple has a good reason for preventing Flash on the iPhone.
The reason the iPhone is so popular is because it's so easy to use.
And the iPhone is so easy to use because Apple is very restrictive about how applications are developed for the iPhone and what applications you can download at the App Store.
There is no doubt that opening up the iPhone would diminish it's appeal to most people: Most people don't care about the things the technology press harps on like no Flash, iPhone App restrictions, etc.
With the exception of a few geeks who have already unlocked or jailbroke their phones, most people seem to be tickled by the iPhone and find more apps than they can use on the App Store.
If you want to install any application and have Flash too, get an Android, cause it ain't going to happen on the iPhone.
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