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Tips on Moving into Your First House
- Home sweet home!home sweet home image by David Dorner from
Moving into your first home is a major transition that brings on both stress and excitement. Essential items such as cookware and cups are vital to ensure a smooth transition into your house. Plan ahead of time before packing or buying items for your home. Create a check list of what you'll need the minute you arrive at your house, and make sure those things are in special boxes. - Categorize items in certain boxes and label every box. Keep items such as cleaning supplies and laundry detergent in one box rather than mixing these items with clothes or expensive items. Check the lids to be sure they are tight to prevent leaks. Label all the boxes with black markers. On the side of the box, list the items in the box and write down which room they belong in. This will save you time when you are unpacking. The last thing you want to do is constantly shuffle boxes to the correct room.
- There are some items that you should not pack because these items may be needed right away. Keep important files, documents and birth certificates with you. Bring them to the house personally and immediately put them in a desk drawer or in your bedroom or office closet.
- Clothing can easily get mixed up and lost during a move. For clothes that are more formal than items destined for a bureau drawer, use wardrobe boxes for transporting and label them accordingly. This way, they will be less likely to get misplaced or become wrinkled.
- Moving during the week is easier because banks and utility companies are open. You can call ahead of time to set up your service, but if you arrive at your home on a weekend and discover there is no electricity, it may be difficult to get in touch with someone at the company, depending on where you live.
- When moving into your first home pretend that you are going on a trip. Pack a suit case full of essential items such as toothbrushes, tooth paste and shampoo along with a few pieces of clothing and undergarments. Bring everything you would need on a typical vacation. If you do this, you won't be frantically looking through boxes to find personal-hygiene products or socks. It took time to pack for the move, and it will also take time to unpack.
Categorize Items
Keep Important Documents With You
Use Wardrobe Boxes
Move During the Week
Pack a Suit Case for Yourself
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