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Secrets to Attracting Buyers to Your Site From Article Marketing
The problem is that unless you know what you're doing, it is very easy to attract people who will never buy from you.
I want to show you how to fix this right now.
Secret #1: Stop focusing on giving away free stuff in your resource box.
It is okay to tell them that you have something for them at your site, but the more you mention your free stuff the more you are just going to attract people who just want free stuff.
There are a lot of people who read your articles who have no desire to get your free stuff...
They are buyers and are looking for solution to the problems that they are having.
So if you focus only on the free stuff you have to offer then you're going to repel them from buying from you and clicking on your link.
And what will happen is you will get more of the tire kickers who have no desire to ever do business with you.
Secret #2: You need to make sure you are selling your value and not your free stuff.
This is similar to what I just mentioned above but different.
You must set yourself up as having something of value to offer your readers to show them that you are not just another one of the 50 people writing articles in your market.
You need to show them that you are someone different and that you can help them achieve their outcome and solve their pains.
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