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Causes of Sexual Problems in Women and Natural Remedies
If there is a problem during any one of the phases that stops either partner or both the partners from experiencing sexual satisfaction, it is known as a sexual problem.
Sexual problems in women are common and most of the sexual dysfunctions are treatable.
Therefore it is important to open up and talk about the problems with your partner and the doctor.
Sexual problems in women may due to causes that are physical or psychological in nature.
The physical causes may be menopause, hormonal imbalances in the body, diseases like liver or kidney failure, heart diseases, alcoholism, diabetes or drug abuse.
The psychological reasons may be stress, anxiety, trauma, depression, relationship issues, guilt or sexual performance concern.
Any of these above factors can result in sexual problems in women by inhibiting their sexual desire, causing lack of orgasm, painful lovemaking or causing inability to become aroused.
Inhibited sexual desire means a lack or loss of interest in sexual lovemaking which can be caused by various factors like medical treatments, hormonal changes, pregnancy, fatigue, stress and depression.
Lifestyle factors may also contribute to this condition.
Lack or orgasm can be due to stress and anxiety.
Some medications and insufficient stimulation can cause this condition too.
Painful lovemaking can be a result of cyst, poor lubrication, surgery, vaginitis or STD.
Pelvic examinations and Pap smear tests may be conducted to check the health of the cervix.
Other fears and phobias like anxiety, past experiences, alcohol or drug abuse should be discussed so as to take appropriate steps for the treatment of the sexual problems in women.
Treating this condition does not only involve the woman, but also support from her partner.
This condition can be dealt with by focusing on the causes involved.
The steps taken for solving the sexual problems in women can be as follows: 1.
Stimulation: Enhancing the stimulation by bringing about changes in the usual sexual routine, trying different foreplay techniques, masturbation or by using stimulating material may help treat sexual problems.
Education: A woman can overcome her fears and phobias about the sexual processes and performances by educating herself regarding the human anatomy and sexual behaviors.
Communication: Communication between the partners is extremely important to bond better.
Massages, baths and romantic outings together should help improve the bonding and communication between the two partners.
Minimize pain: Vaginal lubricants or warm baths before the lovemaking may help in reducing the pain while having sex.
Sexual problems in women may also be a result of hormonal imbalances which lead to vaginal dryness, reduced genital sensation, decreased sexual arousal, low libido and decline in orgasm.
Conditions like hysterectomy and menopause may also cause sexual problems in women.
Since this condition can affect other aspects of life too, it is important to treat it.
One should stop smoking, intake of alcohol and should follow a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Include seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds in your diet.
Drinking of ginger tea, leafy vegetables, fruits are helpful in such conditions.
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