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Wanting Ex Girlfriend Back? Here Is What To Do
I am going to be honest with you, simply because I see way too many men entirely botch their chance up. You do not have a large window of possibility to get your ex partner back again into your life so you can not chance doing this wrong.
I will tell you right now, if you are: calling your ex at work because you know she has to answer the phone, calling her girlfriends to get information or to rally them to your defense, sending long text messages, emails or voice mail messages, then you need to get a grip and stop it right now.
This kind of stuff will push her away faster than she can run. You want what you do to attract her back like a magnet, not repell her like an can of insect spray.
So what do you do to attract her? Well, it is easy if you think about it. There was a time when she was attracted to you. Who were you then? You were a guy who functioned normally during his day. You went to work, you went out with friends, you took care of what needed to be taken care of.
This is what women want and when you can get back to this, you will stop her resistance and she will naturally be open to you again.
How do you do it. The first step that you must take is to work on your personal acceptance of what just happened. Release any form of denial that you have about your relationship being broken up. The reason is simple, if you are holding on and hoping this is not real, then you cannot fix anything.
Don't overdo it here, all you have to do is have a talk with yourself and realize that the two of you are broken up. You do not have to accept that you will never be back together but you do have to get a grip on what happened.
When you do this your actions will naturally change. You will show your ex that you can function, you can go to work, be responsible, etc. This is completely attractive and this will open up easy and unforced conversation again, which is exactly what you want!
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