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There"s an Iggy Azalea Sex Tape
It started off as a rumor but has now been confirmed as gospel. This week, Vivid Entertainment (the same company behind the Kim Kardashian sex video) reported that they've obtained an Iggy Azalea sex tape.
TMZ claims that Iggy’s lawyers are trying to put the kibosh on the whole thing. Says a statement from the rapper's lawyers:
"Iggy Azalea's lawyers now tell us … any sex video would be the work of a “spurned business suitor” — aka the ex-BF — who’s just trying to damage her image and career out of revenge. They also told us any footage was possibly shot “without her knowledge or consent” … kind of a weird statement — either it was or it wasn’t. The lawyers also say it’s possible it was shot when she was a minor.
Iggy's latest tweet also confirms the tape's existence. "Anyone who releases or attempts to make profit off someone else's intimate moments against their will is a sex offender," she wrote.
You may be wondering whose Iggy's co-star is. No, it's not Swaggy P. The tape supposedly features Houston rapper Jefe Wine. It may or may not have been recorded a very long time ago, and she may or may not have been younger than 18.
T.I. could not be reached for comment, as he's somewhere in Bankhead biting a coffee table.
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