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2nd-Grade Lesson Plans on the History of Thanksgiving
- Talk about the first Thanksgiving and what it means in both giving thanks to God and to others. Print out the story of the first Thanksgiving. Using a pumpkin shape, have second-graders create a book, adding their own graphics and cutting the story provided into text strips to fit on different pages with their illustrations. Bring single-serving pie pans filled with pie crust. Also bring the ingredients for pumpkin pie. Together, mix the ingredients. Let each child pour pumpkin pie mix into individual pie pans. Bake.Turn a pumpkin into a turkey with paper-plate tail feathers, adding a triangular cardboard beak and drawing the rest of the features with markers.
- Provide 11 by 18-inch construction paper sheets in autumn colors such as dark green, orange, brown and yellow to use as Thanksgiving place mats. Have the second-graders add printouts of first Thanksgiving illustrations or draw their own pictures. Preserve with laminating sheets or clear shelf paper with adhesive. On a cardboard or Styrofoam wreath shape, arrange colorful cards with verses of giving thanks with characters and symbols from the first Thanksgiving or contemporary Thanksgiving scenes with food and prayer. Create a mobile using a cardboard illustration of the Mayflower and hanging from it scenes, symbols or characters that represent Thanksgiving past or present.
- Decorate baskets with ribbon and a verse on giving thanks. Have the second- graders fill with a selection of fruit or vegetables to give to those in need either within the acquaintance of their family or church. Give the baskets to those at homeless shelters. Wrap a sheet of orange or brown sheet of construction paper into a cone. Fill with real or artificial vegetables and fruit for a cornucopia centerpiece. Make small personal-sized cornucopias. Add a verse on thankfulness. Fill with candy to give away.
- Have the second-graders learn a verse on giving thanks. Create posters using the verse on giving thanks and printouts of pilgrims and other symbols of Thanksgiving. Ask the second-graders what Thanksgiving means to them. List these reasons on the board. Create a turkey using a paper plate. Use markers for features and cut around the top half edges of the plate for tail feathers. Add verses of thanksgiving to the feathers.
Make It Pumpkin
Place Mat, Wreath and Mobile
Give Thanks
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