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Diagnosing Anxiety Disorder In Children
It is greatly important to detect the traces of anxiety disorder and act upon them in treating anxiety disorders and making your child feel better.
Diagnosing the correct type of disorder is quite important in getting the treatment underway.
Here is a checklist for types of ailments and their symptoms to help you diagnose correctly: 1.
Separation Anxiety Symptoms
- excessive worry about harm towards themselves (getting sick at school, fearing of accidents)
- avoidance of activities that might cause separations from parents
- repeating thought and exaggerated fears about the safety of parents and caregivers
- over clingy behavior
- frequent stomachaches and other psychical complaints
- anxiety and distress at times of separation from parents
- trouble sleeping and recurring nightmares of separation
Specific Phobias Symptoms
- extreme fear about a specific object or situation (needles, park, insects)
- avoidance and distress of the phobia causing the routine and the behavior of the child to change (school, family)
- anxiety felt by child might be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing.
- also, the children with phobias experience rapid heart rate, dizziness, sweaty palms when confronted with the fear
Social Anxiety and Social Phobia Symptoms
- fear of meeting people and talking to people
- persistent anxiety over one or more situations in which child is exposed to unfamiliar people and scrutiny
- lack of friends outside family
- fear of appearing foolish or doing something embarrassing
If you are unable to diagnose which type of anxiety disorder your child might have you should seek professional help.
Also, reading my article 6 Tips for Helping Children with Anxiety Disorder might prove to be useful in getting the treatment underway.
Acting fast and helping your child in treatment in extremely important.
You might also try to adjust the environment around to house more suiting to your child's needs.
By doing so, you can establish the importance you give to your child, making them more prone to opening up and sharing their emotions and thought with you.
Treating this illness might take a lot of time and the results of the treatment might not show up quickly but you shouldn't lose faith and turn your back on treatments too rapidly.
Since changing treatments methods a lot might cause bigger turmoil than the illness itself.
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