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Childbirth Classes and Bedrest
Updated June 08, 2015.
Bedest is not where most moms think they'll wind up in pregnancy. Many times bedrest comes up unexpectedly and before you can finish your childbirth classes. That leaves may leave you wondering how you'll get a Lamaze or other childbirth class under your belt while sitting in your own home.
This is where the beauty of online childbirth classes comes in. There are several options that include:
- Private childbirth classes in your home taught by a childbirth educator.
- Webinar based classes through things like Skype
- Phone support
- DVD based classes
- Online childbirth classes (email, web, discussion forums, etc.)
What you choose may depend on your budget or time left in pregnancy, but these options can provide you at least some of the information that you are missing by being on bedrest.
Here's what I have to offer you:
- Online Childbirth Class (6 Sessions)
This can be done all at once, once a day or once a week. You set the pace. It's free and a nice supplement even if you've already had another class. - Online Breastfeeding Class (6 Sessions)
This is another free class that is done via email and the web. There are also discussion questions so that you can talk to others taking the childbirth or breastfeeding class.
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