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Radon Levels in Colorado
- Radium is a natural part of the ground's soils. It is a metallic and radioactive substance that is typically white. When the radium breaks down, it creates radon, which is also radioactive. Radon is a heavy gas that can enter people's homes by drifting through cracks or openings found in the foundation of the home. The reason radon is often higher inside a home than it is outside of the home is because the gas expands when it is trapped inside a closed space.
Radon is the second-leading cause of developing lung cancer. The gas is responsible for thousands of deaths each year. The lung cancer develops when a person breathes in radon and the gas causes damage to occur within the lungs. There is also a risk of developing stomach cancer if the radon levels in drinking water are too high. - At the time of publication, the nationwide average level of radon found inside homes is 1.3 picocuries per liter. The state of Colorado has moderate to high levels of radon. Routt County, Eagle County, La Plata County, Archuleta County, Conejos County, Costilla County, San Juan County, Hinsdale County, Mineral County, Rio Grande County, Alamosa County and Saguache County all have moderate radon levels, which average about 2 to 4 picocuries per liter. Each of the remaining counties have high radon levels, which average about 4 picocuries per liter or higher.
- The state of Colorado requires that all schools within the state be tested for radon levels. The results of the schools' radon tests are to be kept on file at each of the schools. However, the state does not require that school officials take action if the radon levels are found to be high, and the schools are not required to do any further testing past the initial radon test. Colorado has developed municipalities that allow radon-resistant new construction (RRNC) in Colorado building codes.
- A certified inspector may be hired for the purpose of discovering radon levels within a home or building. If the radon levels are dangerously high, the building's owner may need to take action to protect that building's occupants. Testing kits are also available for purchase if the resident would rather test the radon levels without hiring anyone. Radon measurement kits can be obtained by certified measurement providers in Colorado, including Superior Property Inspection, Denco Properties, Scott Home Inspections, RDS Environmental Inc., Top Notch Home Inspection and Colorado Radon Control. Qualified residential mitigation providers offer their services in radon removal. The mitigation radon removal systems can remove high amounts of radon from a person's home and bring the radon down to a safe level. Colorado certified radon mitigators and contractors include the Ace Radon Corporation, Drennen Custom Contracting and Crescendo Home Services.
What Is Radon?
Colorado Radon Levels
Colorado Radon Laws
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