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Snake & Cricket Repellents
- The best remedy for crickets is to reduce the places around your yard where they gather and breed. Clear weeds and debris from around the foundation of your house. Also, do what you can to attract natural predators to your yard. Birds are cricket predators. Hang houses, feeders and provide water baths to encourage them to stop for a cricket snack. If you have access to them, poultry are major eaters of crickets. Dry out damp areas of your house, such as basements, using de-humidifiers, as these areas attract crickets. sticky traps are another non-chemical remedy.
- Chlorpyrifos and diazinon are the most effective insecticides for outdoor cricket control. Choose a commercial spray that is designated for use around buildings. For indoor infestations that are not adequately controlled by natural means, choose chlorpyrifos, permethrin, or propoxur labeled for indoor use. Nosema locustae is a biological control that can be distributed where crickets breed. This is a good long-term remedy.
- Few things are more upsetting than realizing you have a snake in your house. The best snake repellent is reducing your home's attraction to snakes so they don't come visiting in the first place. Snakes come indoors seeking cool, dark places to hide. Eliminate these from around your home. Next, repair cracks and holes in your outer walls. For brick or cement walls, fill spaces snakes could get in with mortar. Cracks and holes in wood houses can be sealed with screening. Also, cover septic tank openings with hardware cloth.
- If you live in an area with poisonous snakes, and you have children or pets that like to play in the yard, you can invest in snake-proof fencing. Rather than fencing your entire property, which might be cost prohibitive, fence off a play area. This way, you kids and pets can play safely. There are no chemical repellents for snakes, and homemade repellents have been shown to be ineffective. Your best repellent is prevention.
Cricket Natural Controls
Cricket Insecticides and Bio Controls
In Home Snake Control
In Yard Snake Control
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