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Pinpointing the Yeast Infection Cause and Treating it
Many of these women will suffer from recurrent infections that can affect the quality of life, thus, the need to pinpoint the yeast infection cause in each case, treating it and then adopting ways to prevent yet another attack.
This is a very important strategy towards remaining healthy especially when you consider that recurrent yeast infections may lead to serious complications like a compromised immune system.
When you have a yeast infection, the symptoms will vary depending on its location as well as its severity.
If it is an infection in the mouth, also known as oral thrush, it is characterized by white patches in and around the mouth area.
If it is a vaginal yeast infection, also called candidiasis, the symptoms will include burning and itching as well as severe redness and irritation of the vaginal area with excessive cottage cheese-like discharge.
In many cases, painful urination and sexual intercourse is a fact of life.
Regardless of location, however, the most common yeast infection cause is the fungi known as Candida albicans.
This is a fungi that naturally exists in the vaginal area causing little to no harm in its normal state.
However, when it grows in abundance due to factors like recent use of antibiotics and of constricting underwear, onset of pregnancy and PMS as well as complications arising from diabetes and obesity, you develop yeast infections.
Even a diet full of starches and sugars can trigger yeast overgrowth.
Fortunately, you have many effective, affordable and available natural remedies to choose from no matter the yeast infection cause.
It must be emphasized, however, that prevention after treatment is still the best cure possible.
First, you should revise your diet so that sugars and starches from packaged foods are minimized, if not completely eliminated.
You have to eat more green and leafy vegetables, whole grains and nuts while fruits are to be avoided during treatment as even these can contain simple sugars.
Instead, you can drink unsweetened cranberry juice and plain, low-fat yogurt.
You may also take supplements made from oregano, garlic or coconut oil, all of which have proven antifungal properties.
Second, you can use various materials around the kitchen pantry and medicine cabinet to treat your yeast infection.
You can use apple cider vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and povidone iodine as douches by combining 2-3 tablespoons of these common liquids to a quart of warm water, which can then be used daily for a week or so.
Third, you should also consider vaginal insertions made from natural materials like a clove of peeled garlic wrapped in a piece of bandage.
Also, freezing plain yogurt in a tampon plastic applicator and then inserting it into the vagina until it cools down will relieve symptoms.
Keep in mind that yogurt contains the acidophilus good bacteria that feeds on the overgrowth of Candida albicans, thus, targeting the yeast infection cause at its source.
These natural remedies are highly recommended because of their efficacy, affordability and safety.
Now, contrast that with over-the-counter medications like Monistat that will only relieve the symptoms but will not treat the infection per se.
Indeed, why waste your money on useless things when you have natural methods to help you in treating your yeast infection?
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