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Treatment For Erectile Dysfunction

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Cialis is also known as Tadalafil, and is a PDE5 inhibitor.
This makes it possible for blood flow to the penis to increase and creates a useable erection in males.
Many of the men who take Cialis will have a 36 hour window of which to use the effects of the drug.
This way, if the man takes the drug and is unable to initiate intercourse, it can be used many hours later on when they can.
This is an efficient option for many men.
The other approved usage for Tadalafil is for the alleviation of high blood pressure.
This is possible because the increase in blood flow is due to the lowering of blood pressure by opening up the blood passages.
This is a great option for men who need both help with hypertension and erectile dysfunction.
The most common problems with hypertension is the fact that it makes it slightly more dangerous to have an erection in fear of heart attack or stroke.
When the drug is taken under the correct conditions, it greatly improves erectile function in men.
This can provide the necessary boost of erection needed to keep a longer lasting erection through ejaculation for some men.
The prescription of Cialis is designed to offer a dose that is specific to the needs of the person who it is prescribed to.
Others who use Cialis without the proper dosage can have major side effects which could potentially cause harm or death.
The drug will usually not help those who do not have erectile dysfunction and will offer no benefits to those who use it unless they need their blood pressure lowered through the alternative effects.
Possible side effects can include lightheadedness, fainting, headache, long lasting erections and stomach pains.
Most men who have erections that last more than a few hours will need to contact a doctor.
Prolonged erections can cause damage to the tissues in the penis and make it more difficult to get an erection in the future.
Taking Cialis without a prescription is a very risky thing to do because a heart attack or stroke is possible while using the drug.
Other possible drug interactions can cause negative side effects.
Even though Cialis is a great drug for various reasons, it is best used for erectile dysfunction in older men, those with high blood pressure and patients with diabetes.
These are the most common causes of erectile dysfunction which can make it difficult for a man to get an erection when needed.
The 36 hour window of time to have a strong erection is a great tool which many men can take advantage of.
The ability to get an erection when needed can help save relationships as well as provide the necessary boost of confidence that is needed.
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