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How to Write a Paper on Moral Dilemma
- 1). Focus on the title of the paper. You may be asked to address a specific dilemma, for example, "Is war ever justified?" or the title may be more general. Introduce your paper by clarifying what you have been asked to discuss. End your introductory paragraphs by putting the moral dilemma in the form of a question.
- 2). Approach the paper from the perspective best suited to the title. You could, for example look at a moral dilemma through examining obligations, that is the duty that is due to other people. Perhaps you can explore values, such as tolerance, fairness and compassion, that underpin a civilized society. Look at the effects or outcomes. Discuss which of these three aspects of the dilemma should take priority.
- 3). Strengthen your paper by bringing in other viewpoints and contexts. In some societies, for instance, the prevailing political or religious belief system may mean that one of these three aspects will always prevail. In individualized societies, the approach to a moral dilemma is likely to be different to a society that is more centralized.
- 4). Present other viewpoints, so that you show understanding that these exist and that very often moral dilemmas do not have a clear cut solution. Put forward your proposals for resolution and bring the strands of your argument together in your conclusion.
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