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Types of Fog Lights
- When it comes to choosing fog lights, several options are available.fog lights on suv image by Kathy Burns from
Car and truck fog lights are designed to eliminate glare and improve visibility when driving, especially during bad weather. What sets a fog light apart from a regular driving light is the wider light dispersion pattern. The wide beam pattern of fog lights, with a flat cutoff on top, enables drivers to see better in the fog. Fog lights are available in various options with different hues and applications. - LED stands for Light Emitting Diodes. LED fog lights have a lens designed to keep the light low and just below the eye level of oncoming traffic. They differ from ordinary bulbs in that they do not have a filament to break or burn out. LED lights vary in color, depending on such factors as the type of material used to make the light. Vibrations typically do not affect LED fog lights and they use little power and generate little heat.
- HID stands for "High Intensity Discharge" and refers to the electrical charge that ignites the xenon gas within the bulb. HID xenon lights do not have a filament. Electronically energized gas formed and sustained between two electrodes is what emits the light. According to the Motor Vehicle Lighting Council, the benefits of xenon include additional light output that makes wider beam patterns. In fact, up to 70 percent more light is emitted compared with standard halogen. Also, blue-white xenon light is closer to natural daylight compared with halogen.
- Halogen bulbs are filled with a pressurized halogen gas so they burn bright and get hot. Common types of single-filament halogen bulbs are H1, H2 and H3, and any of these types can be found in a fog light. Some lights, depending on the manufacturer, may have a coated crystal glass lens that emits amber light for enhanced visibility compared with conventional fog lights.
LED Fog Lights
HID Fog Lights
Halogen Fog Lights
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