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Bugaboo Strollers - How it Revolutionized the Pushchair
While baby strollers did not change much since then, in 1994 2 Dutchmen were to revolutionize both the style and functionally of pushchairs forever.
The Dutch is know for their incredibly practical and elegant designs.
Nowhere is this more evident than with Bugaboo strollers.
Not only did it look unlike anything we've seen before, it brought a whole new concept to the forefront and all of a sudden pushchairs were no longer just a functional element but also a beautiful and trendy item that every hip you couple wanted for their newborn.
Bugaboo strollers broke out of that mold of clumsy black steel strollers and introduced a light weight frame with a beautiful design in vibrant colors.
By introducing a suspension and air filled wheels it gave any baby a dream ride in even the most rugged urban environments.
The flexibility that the design offers means that it could be adopted to a variety o different uses and whether you are a trendy young mom in New York city or a suburban housewife in Kansas, the Bugaboo can conform to your needs.
Bugaboo strollers continue to evolve and innovate.
They currently have 3 models in 3 different price classes.
The Chameleon, The Bee and The Frog each come with a unique design and a unique application.
The ability to choose your own colors and mix and match accessories makes this the ultimate style accessory for any you couple.
Although its slight more expensive than its competitors it really has no rivals when it comes to looks, quality and functionality.
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