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Personality Test For Relationship-Can It Offer You A Sure Thing
For that reason, many people are sold on the idea of taking a personality test for relationships. They think that if they can get a good score it will somehow guarantee the future success of their relationship.
But will it?
Do you really need a personality test for relationships to determine the odds of whether or not you and your honey are likely to make it for the long term?
I would say... maybe.
I'm not a psychologist or any type of "ist" so I can't answer that question with anything other than my own opinion and my opinion is this: it probably won't hurt but I don't think it is really necessary either.
While some people may feel better seeing the compatibility of their relationship in black and white, I don't think it really means much.
But, if you want a "test" why not ask yourself these questions about your relationship?
Of course the results will mean nothing, on this test or a "real" test if you don't answer every question with 100% honesty ... and the truth is, that is the hardest part.
Here you go:
1. How compatible are you and your partner right now? Do you get along most of the time or do you bicker constantly about pretty much everything?
If you are bickering all the time about most every subject you can imagine you aren't compatible. That really shouldn't come as a news flash to anyone.
If you were to ask your friends, and they weren't too afraid of making you mad to answer you honestly, they would probably already tell you that they all already know that you and your partner aren't compatible.
Whether you choose to see it or not, you already know that you and your partner aren't compatible either, you don't really need a test.
2. Even if you and your partner don't actually bicker, how good are you at compromise? When you and your partner run into some sort of obstacle in your life do you work well together to get through it?
Do you work together as a unit to find a solution to the problem or does the stress of the situation cause you both to fight and create more stress?
I feel that couples who are truly compatible, and mature, will find a way to work together in the most trying of circumstances.
The "weaker" couples are the ones that will turn on each other and fight and try to place blame.
3. And of course, do you share similar values?
You don't need to be carbon copies of each other but do you each have similar core values about religion, the roles of each partner in the relationship, having and disciplining kids, etc.?
There are no guarantees in life but there are many things you can do to ensure that you get in relationships with the people who you are most likely to be happy with.
Finding someone who you can trust, who you like, and who has a similar outlook to life as you have will be your best chance of creating a successful, fulfilling and lasting relationship.
You really do not need to take a personality test for relationships to tell you that.
For relationships that need serious reconstruction.... that need immediate help.. that need to get on solid footing to survive.... the magic of making up is real and proven.
Here is a test that really works.
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