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Planet X: What You Need to Know
While its believers are divided on how exactly this will take place, there is a small but loud contingent that is sure that the Earth will experience a collision (or near-collision) with an unknown planet or Planet X.
About 40 years ago, astronomers discovered many smaller planets the size of Pluto beyond the planet Neptune (called "trans-Neptunian objects).
They started to posit that these could be the tenth planet.
Little did these astronomers know that an ancient culture knew about this planet way before they did.
The Sumerians found astronomical facts that would astound scientists today.
Ancient Astronomer Zecharia Sitchin proposed in his tome.
The 12th Planet, that they, discovered that a large planet nearly grazes the Earth every 3,600 years.
The proximity to the other planet to ours allows the natives of the other planet to communicate with Earthlings.
Sitchin wrote that he believes the last time this unknown planet came near ours was in 556BC.
A quick calculation will show that the next arrival of this planet will be in 2900AD.
So if this planet does exist and if it will nearly collide with ours, it will supposedly come in 2900AD, long after we are all gone, why are people predicting the end in 2012? Another theory related to Planet X states indeed a planet will collide with ours and it is called Nibiru.
Richard Muller, a physicist, said that the reason why dinosaurs became extinct was because of a similar occurrence.
A dwarf planet that goes around our Sun every 26 million years will come so close to the Earth that it will wreak the same destruction.
Non-believers in Planet X dismiss all these claims as a hoax.
Government agencies like NASA have not reported and such astrological object to be nearing us and say that even amateur astronomers should be able to see something coming with their telescopes.
There have been many theories that have been shot down as well, especially since these predictions of a collision have never taken place when they should.
Many people believe that the government is purposely hiding information about Planet X so that the news will not cause worldwide panic.
It's difficult to know what to believe but if you think about it, how can anyone be safe from a planet hitting our own?