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5 Tips to Acne Hygiene For Zit Free Skin
That's simply not the case at all.
Actually acne is much more likely to be related to a hormone imbalance.
While dirt doesn't cause acne, acne hygiene will help reduce the outbreaks by washing away the oil that plugs pores.
Acne hygiene can keep you zit free.
Tip #1 Don't Overwash Since dirt doesn't cause acne there's no point in over scrubbing your skin to wash the dirt away.
Instead opt for gently washing your skin a couple of times a day.
Tip #2 Don't Use Scrubs Exfoliating is good but make sure you opt for a gentle formula rather than one of the harsh ones.
Don't sues products that contain apricot shell or almond because they actually tear the skin aggravating your acne.
Tip #3 Don't Take Alcohol We don't mean don't drink, we mean don't use toners that contain high amounts of isopropyl alcohol.
Alcohol is just too harsh of an astringent so it actually causes the skin to produce more oil which then causes more zits.
Tip #4 No Squeezing You should never squeeze or pick at your acne because it can actually cause bacteria to get deep in the skin causing an infection and you can also damage the skin causing scaring.
Tip #5 Wash Away The Sweat If you workout or work at a job where you sweat a great deal then it's important to shower as soon as you can because until you do that bacteria will stay trapped around the zit and could lead to an outbreak or infection.
Find a regime that works for you and stick to it.
Don't be scared to stop using a product if it isn't working (but give it awhile to get a chance to work) and then try another.
There are different over the counter products that work in different manners.
There are also prescription drugs that can be used on the most serious acne cases.
o Benzoyl Peroxide: Kills the bacteria causing acne.
o Salicylic Acid: Unclogs pores and promotes skin renewal.
o Proactiv® Solution: A dermatologist formulated Combination Therapy® acne management system.
o Accutane®: Treatment for severe acne.
oRetin-A®: Promotes healthy sloughing.
o Antibiotics: Kill bacteria and reduces inflammation.
o Oral Contraceptives: Help regulate hormone levels.
There you have it 5 acne hygiene tips to keep you zit free.
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