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Import Duties in Grenada
- Grenada is a member of the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM).grenada flag button image by Andrey Zyk from
Like most governments worldwide, the government of Grenada restricts and controls the items that travelers and importers can bring into the country. In Grenada, the common tariff structure of the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM) governs the duty rate on allowable imports. CARICOM has 15 member states; as of October 2010, these include Grenada, Jamaica, Barbados, Haiti and Montserrat. - Grenada forbids the importation of food and agricultural materials such as meat, vegetables, fruit and soil. Firearms, ammunition, illegal drugs and marine specimens are also forbidden.
Animals (including pets) are acceptable, provided they have the proper import permits and health certificates. Other commercial items requiring an import permit include beer, candles, eggs, curry powder, flour, mattresses, pasta, processed pork, tissue paper and toilet paper. - CARICOM's common external tariff determines the duty rates for agricultural and other imported items in Grenada. Import duties are payable in either U.S. or East Caribbean currency. A limited number of Grenadian customs offices accept Visa and Mastercard. Checks or money orders should be payable to "Government of Grenada."
- Each traveler to Grenada may import up to 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, and one quart each of liquor and wine. Travelers may choose to import up to half a pound of smoking tobacco, instead of 200 cigarettes. All personal items are duty-free, as long as they are not in excessive quantities, or intended for commercial use or sale.
Prohibited and Restricted Items
Import Duties
Duty-Free Allowances
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