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Gain Muscle Fast - What You Can Do to Improve the Speed of Building Muscle (And Your Body)
I am guessing you are ready to get ripped you want the pounds and you want them fast.
Great! Let me ask you something first though, when was the last time you had a good run? Jog maybe, even a bike ride? My guess is not as often as you should.
Sure there is the fear that all you are going to do is lose any or all of those hard earned muscular pounds you think you have been packing on but let me tell it to you differently.
If you have a great cardiovascular system, thanks to a great aerobic routine, then you body will be able to send blood, oxygen, and muscle building nutrients faster than ever before.
If your recovery time is shorter and faster that means you will develop muscle quickly.
Your body will turn itself into a supreme muscle building environment.
What I am not saying is start training to be a triathlon or to go run in the next marathon that comes to town.
But I am saying that you should stop neglecting your cardio, regardless of what you have read or heard.
It is essential to improving the speed of your recovery and your ability to build muscle.
So for this next week make sure you schedule in some good cardio time and keep in mind walking does not count.
You do not need to have a super intense workout but a medium intense workout the gives you a good sweat should be sufficient.
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