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6 Ways to Increase Penis Size!
Do you know what to do about it? If you have picked up any magazine, listened to the radio or watched television in the past 30 days you have seen countless ads and commercials promoting male enhancement products.
Millions of men all over the world want to find the best way to get a bigger penis.
With that in mind, here are 6 ways to increase penis size.
I will list them in no particular order, so you will have to decipher which method is right for you.
Penis Patches Maybe the newest gimmick to come along is the penis patch.
You can supposedly stick it on your lower abdomen, and your penis will magically grow! I am a little skeptical, as the ingredients are nothing more than herbs and minerals, such as Hawthorne Berry and Ginko Biloba.
The herbs are advertised as ancient Chinese formulas known to be used as aphrodisiacs.
While some of the herbs and minerals may help increase blood flow to the heart, and even the genital area, about the only benefit will be quicker erections.
No permanent growth will occur from simply wearing a patch.
Male Enhancement Pills The pills are, by far, the most heavily advertised product out there.
We have all seen old Smiling Bob hitting those massive drives on the golf course as the other members of the foursome stand by with an envious look on their faces.
Here is some bad news.
The pills are just like the patches, in that they contain just herbs and minerals.
They have about as much chance of making your penis bigger as they have in helping your golf game! Are they the best way to get a bigger penis? Hardly! Penis Pumps This one was originally designed as an aid for impotence.
You insert your penis into a cylindrical device, and with a pump, extract all the air from the cylinder.
The ensuing vacuum will help you achieve an erection.
In recent years, the cylinders have been refined with a type of plastic that will magnify your penis, making it appear as thought your erection is enormous.
Problem is, when you remove the device, your penis is the same old size.
As an aid for impotence, these pumps are fine.
As a tool for permanent growth, forget it! Natural Penile Exercises Of all the methods listed here, the penis exercises are probably the best way to get a bigger penis.
They work by increasing the size of the corpora cavernosa, or the two large chambers in your penis.
These chambers are what fills with blood, causing an erection.
When they are filled to capacity your erection is at maximum size.
By increasing the size of these two chambers, their capacity to hold more blood is expanded, giving you a much larger penis.
Exercise is the only safe method of permanently increasing this capacity.
Stretchers and Weights I would put these two methods ina the dangerous category.
Hanging weights from your penis can cause serious injury, leading to deformity and even permanent impotence.
Strapping your manhood into a device, stretching it with metal screws and then wearing the device for hours each day can be just as dangerous.
Many of the stretching devices can be poorly made, increasing the risk of injury.
Even if they would increase size, it would only be in length.
No gain in circumference would be possible.
Penile Surgery Penis surgery, or phalloplasty, is maybe the riskiest method of them all.
It is definitely the most expensive, costing $10,000 or more.
Any surgery can leave scar tissue, and in a delicate area like the penis, this scarring will most certainly leave you with a deformed penis.
For the price, surgery is just not worth the risk.
Of the 6 ways to increase penis size mentioned, only one is what I would consider both safe, and effective.
A good, all natural penile exercise routine is the best way to get a bigger penis.
You can find the online, and order privately.
Most even come with a 100% money back guarantee! With nothing to lose, and plenty to gain, what are you waiting for?