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Important Things to Consider When Buying Drill Presses
It bores exact and evenly spaced holes.
It also functions as a spindle sander, a mortise machine or a pocket hole machine.
Small drill press is ideal for small work areas.
Those with motors of ¼ to 1 horsepower can make larger holes for woods and metals.
Most drill presses have tables that can be raised or lowered.
It can also swivel 360 degrees or around the column in order to handle oddly shaped pieces.
Some workers when drilling overhead complain about getting achy joints and sore muscles.
Thus an inverted drill press is invented for overhead drilling.
Drill presses are handy devices and very affordable.
They are great tools with very accurate outputs.
Drill presses are commonly used by construction workers.
The most usual problem related with using these tools is accidentally leaving the chuck key inside the chuck.
Sometimes it is not fastening or clamping onto the work piece securely.
Here are some tips in securing your drill presses: -Don't hold with your hand the work piece.
Fasten or clamp it firmly onto a table.
-Use a V-block in order to grasp round stock.
-Always center the work piece before starting to drill.
-Use a backing sheet for a thin material in order to lessen grabbing and drill bit breakage.
-Set the correct speed for the material you will drill.
-Do not leave the chuck key inside the chuck.
-Stop the drill feed every so often to minimize chip size.
-Do not force the drill feed down.
Things to consider when buying a drill press: -Horsepower or HP - A higher horsepower is for drilling larger holes through tougher materials.
Some drill presses are available with motors that are about one-fourth to about one HP.
- Variable speeds - A drill with many speed settings is more handy.
It gives many options for many different types of drilling works.
Many drill presses come with six to twelve speed functions.
-Quill travel - Quill travel is the depth of the hole bored.
Longer quill travels drill deeper holes.
Also check the attachments and accessories compatible to the drill press you will buy.
-Fences - Attaches itself on the table to position the stock for repetitive holes.
-Standing drums - These sanding drums are attached onto the chuck for sanding uneven edges or patterns.
-Mortising attachment - It is usually connected onto the quill for drilling precise mortise.
-Planer heads - These planer heads are attached onto the chuck for squaring the edges of stock or cutting rabbets.
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