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How to Overcome Complacency When Dieting
- 1). What really inspires you to want to lose weight? Do you want to be more attractive in order to meet that special someone? Do you want to finally get off your blood pressure medication? Would you like to run that 5k in your neighborhood that comes around every year? Would you like to fit back into those jeans from your pre-pregnancy days? Whatever your real reason is for losing weight, it is very important to isolate it and write it down in your journal. You will likely forget this in a moment of temptation, and it is extremely helpful to be able to see it written down rather than depend on memory to sustain you. Even better, use a voice recorder (these often can be downloaded as an application on smart phones) to record a message to yourself that you can play back whenever you feel tempted. Explain to yourself why you really want to lose weight, and encourage yourself to stick to your plan.
- 2). Make a motivation board. Use your poster board and old magazines to cut out pictures of inspiring role models in your weight loss journey. Add to this board slowly if you feel you do not have a large block of time to complete the project at once. Place the board in a prominent place. Cut it to size to tack on your refrigerator, or place it on the back door of your pantry. Put smaller cut out pieces on your bathroom mirror.
- 3). Enlist an accountability partner to help you in your journey. Whether it be your spouse, a close friend, a family member, or an online buddy, find help in those around you. Have a time, whether daily, weekly, or monthly, where you meet with your partner to discuss your progress and pitfalls. If possible, have them on speed dial for quick access in tempting situations.
- 4). Write down inspiring quotes, personal mantras, or scripture verses in your journal. Read these at least three times daily, preferably before meals. Do this even if you feel like are "doing well" or feeling strong. Sometimes, it is best to invest in preventative steps rather than fix a problem once it starts.
- 5). Remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Weight loss did not happen overnight, and it will not be undone in a week. Be gracious and kind to yourself in this process, and limit your expectations to those that are healthy and reasonable. This will help you greatly in avoiding burnout as well as complacency.
Identify your real motivation
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