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Feng Shui Decorating for the Kitchen
- Decorate the kitchen with warm colors like yellow, yellow-orange or a light green. Yellow is a particularly auspicious color for a kitchen because it symbolizes healthy digestion. The kitchen should be a welcoming, lively room where inhabitants of the house want to spend a lot of time. Use dark paint only for accent in the kitchen.
- When possible, decorate and furnish your kitchen with natural materials. A home with too many man-made materials beings negative energy, and the modern kitchen is already full of artificial electronic appliances. Decorative clay pots and wooden chairs are excellent, natural choices for decorating a kitchen.
- An easy and economical way to bring natural energy into your home is to decorate with healthy, live plants. Plants brighten a dull room and symbolize new life and growth. Not only are plants pleasing on the eye, they make your home healthier by purifying air. Place only healthy plants in your kitchen and immediately remove any that show signs of decay or illness. Avoid cacti and plants with pointy, jagged leaves, which can provoke thorny relationships.
- Place ripe apples, pears, plums and other fruit that does not require refrigeration into a wooden or clay bowl and place it on the countertop. Like plants, fruit brings natural energy into the kitchen and softens the artificial energy of kitchen appliances. Brighten the room by using fruit with vivid colors.
- Although pictures of loved ones are sentimental and conjure positive memories, it is bad feng shui to post photographs on the outside of the refrigerator door. The subjects in the photographs might catch the "frigid energy" from the refrigerator and freezer, which could bring them misfortune.
- Don't waste your money on a decorative or colorful garbage can, which should be hidden from sight no matter how pretty it is. Garbage cans emit dirty energy created by waste, and this can create hard luck and illness for residents of the home. Store the garbage can in a closet or under a sink, and always keep a lid on the can. Take out the trash regularly.
- No matter how well you decorate your kitchen, the chi will grow stagnant without fresh air and light. Open the windows regularly so a fresh breeze can pass through the room, invigorate chi and attract prosperity. Keep the blinds open during the day and use the natural light of the sun to cook and clean.
Use Warm, Cheerful Colors
Avoid Artificial Materials
Decorate with Plants
Display Fruit
Clear the Refrigerator Door
Hide the Garbage Can
Open Windows and Blinds
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