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Skinny to Muscle - 3 Myths Disproved
This is something the bodybuilding industry is keenly aware of and as such they have been selling bogus products and misleading information to the skinny guys wanting more muscle mass by not giving them the information they need for their particular body type! Here are three myths you might have come across and the truth behind them so you can be informed when you start your journey to go from skinny to muscle bound.
You have to work harder! It seems to make sense doesn't it? You are skinny and under muscled so you have to work harder and workout more to pack on the pounds and get ripped.
This however is either completely WRONG or it is something that has been heavily misinterpreted.
You do not need to hit the gym every day for hours on end.
This will not help you at all because you will never give your body time to rest and repair the muscles that have been stressed which is what makes it grow.
Also there is no point in lifting the same weight over and over and over again, more reps does not mean more muscle at all; more intensity is what you need.
Instead of lifting more times lift heavier weights, this stresses the muscles more which is what you need and you will only need to spend a fraction of the time before you stress it enough for a single session.
A good intense gym session can last for 30-45 minutes if done right and produce excellent results.
Skinny guys lose their muscle quickly While it is true that skinny guys can lose muscle mass quickly if you do not continue exercising this is only if you revert back to your old ways of doing things just as a bigger guy with a slower metabolism will turn to fat if he does not keep up with exercise and a good diet.
IF skinny guys gain muscle you can keep this new physique with exercise and a diet that suits your metabolism but you do not need to take lots of supplements or continue to sweat it out every day again for hours to just stay in shape.
Am lifestyle change can give you the body you want with some initial hard work then upkeep.
You need to eat more food This is actually true but needs a little clarity.
You need to eat more of the right kinds of food! Your body will require more calories that it did previously to give you muscles the energy and nutrients needed to repair and grow from skinny to muscle.
You need to eat the right sorts of foods though to get this effect which should be foods high in calories but low in volume so you do not feel bloated.
Try eating avocado, tuna and salmon in olive oil, pasta, rice and so on.
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