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Win the Fight Against Winter Colds
With the fear of H1N1 (Swine Flu) hovering over us we are all trying harder than ever to avoid getting sick.
Experts tell us that the flu season has arrived earlier this year than anticipated and many people are scrambling to get their flu shots and to be prepared for the onslaught.
What can we do to reduce our chances of getting infected? We can continue to do what we should routinely be doing; washing our hands frequently.
We should avoid putting our hands near our noses and our mouth whenever possible to avoid unwanted germs.
While we might normally greet people with know with a handshake or a hug we may be wise to forgo that warm gesture this season opting instead for a nice smile and perhaps a pat on the arm or back.
If, despite our best efforts, we do come down with the winter curse there are some steps we can take to minimize the discomfort we are feeling and possibly speed up our recovery time.
Many doctors swear by taking zinc either in tablet or lozenge form as a precautionary measure against colds.
Some studies have shown that taking zinc can reduce the duration of a cold substantially.
Several over the counter cold remedies have zinc as one of their main ingredients so you might want to check labels more closely.
If you have a dry and sore throat it might prove helpful to use a humidifier.
That will keep the air moist that otherwise would tend to dry out your mucous membranes in your air passage ways.
Gargling with warm salt water usually works to temporarily alleviate soreness in the throat and is also effective in killing the bacteria that is camping out there.
When I first heard the suggestion to calm the coughing that accompanies a cold by rubbing Vicks ointment on the heels of your feet before bed, I almost laughed.
Several nights later after having been interrupted numerous times during the night with a coughing fit, I actually tried it.
Guess What, it works! I have no idea what the science is behind it's effectiveness but whatever it is, I am now a believer.
Chances are you may not be able to escape the clutches of a cold this winter but hopefully you can take the steps that will minimize the misery and shorten the duration.
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