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PSA Levels
PSA levels in men who have prostate cancer tend to be higher than normal.
Men that have BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or inflammation/infection of the prostate gland also have high PSA levels.
The PSA levels in the blood are measured by the particular test.
This test and the DRE (Digital Rectal Examination) has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to help in the detection of prostate cancer in men 50 years or older.
This PSA test is also carried out to help monitor patients who have a history of this type of cancer to check if the cancer has come back or recurred.
It is likely that there is cancer in the body if the man's PSA levels are high, but it is also possible that the high levels are due to other reasons than cancer.
Because there are limitations in the PSA test which are controversial, ways are being studied by researchers to improve the PSA test and to find alternate methods of deducting cancer at an early stage.
How is this test taken? The Prostate-specific antigen test measures these levels in the patient's blood.
A blood sample is taken by the doctor.
The PSA is called a tumour marker or a biological marker as it is produced in the body.
Why does one have to undergo the PSA Test? The PSA Test and the DRE test helps in detecting this particular type of cancer in older men.
Doctors use both these tests to detect prostate cancer when no symptoms can be seen.
The FDA has approved these tests so that men who have a past history of prostate cancer can be checked to see if the cancer has come back or recurred.
Rising PSA levels can be a sign of cancer recurrence.
It should be noted here that just one elevated PSA level might not necessarily mean that there is a relapse.
Consultation with the doctor is a necessity.
He will look out for a rising trend in levels of PSA over a period of time rather than a single one.
It is also important to know that a patient receiving hormonal therapy/treatment for prostate cancer will automatically show low PSA levels soon after and during the hormonal therapy.
Therefore this low reading will not be the actual measure of the patient's PSA levels.
The doctor would probably advise the patient to wait for a particular period after his hormonal therapy before taking the PSA test.
What are the risk factors? There are many factors that can increase the chances of getting prostate cancer: oThe most common one is age.
Men over the age of 65 are more prone to the disease.
oFamily history.
Men whose father/brother had prostate cancer have more chances of developing it.
The highest prostate cancer rate is found in African American men, while the lowest in Native American and Asian men.
Animal fat in one's diet is said to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.