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How To Get The Most From Debt Counselling
Yep, they got no more money than you.
Can they be of use to you in your quest to get out from under the debt collector's boot? Yes, and here is how.
No one can get you out of debt long term.
Of course your rich uncle can give you the money to get back your car, stereo and TV.
If history is correct you will just do the same and return to the position of debt.
You must actually change how you are doing things to get and stay out of debt.
This is hard, how hard is it? Just look at all the bankruptcy companies and debt collection companies.
There are lots of each.
Personal debt is on the rise, like a rocket taking off.
I would say becoming debt free and rich is very hard to do on your own.
This is where a debt counselor is useful, think of them as a cheerleader.
That's right they are there to cheer you on.
I remember watching an interview with a NFL player and he was asked what he does when the game is tough.
He replied by looking over at the cheerleaders for a few moments.
It took his mind off the hardness of the game and boosted his spirits to continue.
A good debt counselor is part psychologist and part accountant.
There is the practical side of getting out of debt, the spend less part, which bill to pay off first and how to re-structure your debt.
There is the other and I think more important side, the mental side.
How do you stay focused long enough to actually be successful.
You debt counselor can help with both.
You suddenly have the urge to go buy a new car and you call your counselor and that person rightly talks you out of it.
Telling you one day you will be able to buy any car you want, just stick to your plan and it will all work out.
That is the best way to use a debt counselor.
Like I said getting out of debt can be tough going, it is nice to have someone cheering you on.
Make the call and take the steps required, living in debt sucks.
Living debt free and even being wealthy is a lot better.