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How To Make R&B Instrumentals - Golden Rules Revealed

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If you are considering downloading R&B Instrumentals for your next music project,you need to consider making your own music first. There are numerous pitfalls involved with downloading the work of others artists. First, you must ensure that the track is royalty-free. While royalty-free downloads are easy to find, they are often poor quality tracks. In fact, most are just continuous loops of the same rnb beat. Second, downloadable R&B Instrumentals will be part of the projects of hundreds of musicians (depending on the popularity). Since the goal of music production is originality, downloading the tracks of other singers seems counter-intuitive. You need to be original to be taken seriously in this competitive business.

The most obvious solution is to make your own R&B Instrumentals. But how? In this challenging economy, most asporing artists don't have thousands to invest in studio time and record production. There is good news. You can use professional level software which

includes all the tools needed to make a demo. 

To make the best R&B Instrumentals you will need the following tools. A 16 bit sequencer is a must. The sequencer provides the controls for the entire track. You can use it to control the volume of each instrument and vocals. Next, in order to add instruments like piano chords, strings, woodwinds and brass, you will need a 4-octave keyboard. Make sure an adjustable metronome is part of the package. It adds the "timimg" for your music. Perhaps the most important element is the drum machine. Most rnb beats are memorable because of the driving, booming drums. Try to find software that includes at least 4 drum pads.

When exporting your project, find a solution that offers a .wav format. Forget about those cheezy MP3's. In case you were not aware, MP3 is itself a form of compression. You certainly don't want your master to be compressed prior to its first distribution. The .wav format is professional quality sound. Specifically, look for 16 bits and 44.1 HZ.

Finally, look for a provider which is dedicated to helping you distribute your R&B Instrumentals. Most online solutions have contests and allow you to post to their message boards to get the maximum exposure.

Visit us online for more information about the software which makes killer R&B Instrumentals.
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