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Masons Info
The literal translation of this name - the free mason is used also.
The freemasonry exists in the form of local boxes - usually small groups number till 40-50 the person, united territorially, there are boxes more largely on number.
Local boxes are established by the Great Box which serves for it parent.
As a rule, in one country there is only one «the Great Box».
In the USA, however, "Grand Lodge" is available in each staff.
At the head of the Great Box there is the Great Master chosen from number of brothers.
A freemasonry name an award if speak about it as about the organised community of people, or a brotherhood, meaning or underlining brotherly character of relations between members of boxes (masons).
The first Masonic lodges have been based in a XVII-th century to England, organizational a freemasonry was issued with occurrence of the first Great Box in 1717 in London, Incorporated Great Box which has become subsequently of England (UGLE) and considered parent for all freemasonry.
There are versions about much more ancient origin of the freemasonry which beginning is deduced from awards and guilds of masons of XIII century.
Each mason honours God, being in a freemasonry, to it address, as to «the Great Builder (Architect) of the Universe», and confession of any traditional religion is supposed.
The freemasonry is not religion or religion replacement, in a freemasonry there is no theology, and discussions on religious and to political problems are excluded from Masonic meetings.
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