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Power Packed Weight Lifting Workout Anyone Can Use
One way to achieve that is to look as best as you possibly can with what you have.
If you are not naturally blessed with a gladiator body, that's OK, most people aren't.
What you will need is determination and motivation; a strong tolerance for pain won't hurt either-- no pun intended.
How does one build bigger muscle? When people exercise, the strain they put on their body put tears in their muscles.
As your body rests, these tears are repaired and restored to be more developed to handle the added stress put upon it-hence the bigger and stronger muscles that grow when you begin your training.
Here is a power packed weight lifting workout that will help you achieve that body you've always wanted.
Always begin with warm up before you exercise.
Depending on your weight goal, you can do around 10 to 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and then stretching.
Warm ups are vital to increase your body temperature and get your blood flowing to your heart, lungs and muscles.
Stretching optimizes your muscles for the physical exertion it is about to endure so practice stretching especially between your sets.
There are many machines and exercises that you can do when you're training.
What is important is that you carefully plan the frequency of your training, fully working the muscle groups exercised that day and determining the correct sets/reps and weights you will be using.
Start with two to three sets of lower weights and higher repetitions of 12.
Choose the weight according to the load that will tire out your target muscle on the twelfth repetition.
Start with a light weight and experiment on your subsequent sessions what works best for you.
If you are aiming to build bigger muscle, the rest in between sets should be around 60 to 90 seconds.
Most experienced trainers suggest an average of two to four days of training, each day concentrating on certain muscle groups.
You can split between your upper and lower body or on muscle groups that work together.
Also remember that you need to train first the larger muscles (upper legs, lower back) before the medium (chest, upper back, biceps, triceps, shoulders) and smaller (calves, forearms, midsection) to ensure maximum productivity in your workout sessions.
Here are some exercises you can use: Legs: squats, front squats, leg press, lunges Chest: barbell bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press Back: deadlifts, lat pull downs, T-bar rows Shoulders: military press (standing and sitting), dumbbell rear felt flyes Arms: close-grip bench press, dips, barbell curls Stomach: crunches, leg raises Do not forget to take plenty of fluids during your workout session and give yourself enough time to cool down by stretching thoroughly after training.
If you feel unusual pain in your joints and muscles that is not soreness, have it checked by a therapist immediately.
Your weight lifting workout is set; all you need to do now is-do them.
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