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Better Video Production - Save Money and Time Using Virtual Sets

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Do you want to be able to create incredible scenes for your video, but don't have the money to build sets, create special effects or go on location? No problem!  Enter the digital age and use Virtual Sets.
What is a Virtual Set?  It is a computer generated set that allows you to place someone where they are not.
From a studio in front of a green screen you can place your talent anywhere.
They can appear to be in a newsroom, church, arena, office, lobby, in front of a cityscape or on a golf course and hundreds of other locations.
What's the benefit? There are many.
For instance you could have savings in time and money, control of weather and lighting and a wide variety of options.
Because you'll be indoors, you'll also have better sound quality, which is another terrific benefit.
So how does it work? You shoot your program in front of a green screen.
This can be done live with the virtual set appearing in real time or you can add it digitally in post-production for other uses.
  Either way, most sets come with multiple camera angles so you can shoot from multiple cameras and angles, giving you incredible flexibility.
The main varieties of sets are, computer generated still images, computer generated animations, camera generated still images, and camera generated video.
The still images are typically used for virtual backdrops when a full set is not really needed.
In addition, you can have custom sets made.
Many of the virtual set vendors like Virtual Set Works offer bundles of sets for incredibly low prices.
Sometimes as low as $99!  They are great for infomercials and commercials, for talk shows, election programs and newscasts and religious broadcasts.
But when done right, you can save a lot of money and get stunning results.
One caution, with what you save not going on location or building a set, you may want to consider using a professional to shoot and edit important projects, because virtual sets done wrong can produce "cheesy results".
  But for a lot of uses, you'll see it serves you well!
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