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Have a Positive Mindset
It was Kenneth Copeland who asked the question: "What would you say if I asked you to tell me the biggest problem you are facing right now? Would you say it is your finances, family, sickness, job frustration, or your weight? If you think it is any of these or any other problem, you are in for a surprise! You are simply mistaking. None of these is your problem; your problem is your mindset."
The truth is, we have all been programmed to think in a certain way over the years. It is impossible to develop a mindset until you have heard or experienced the same thing over and over again. And unconsciously your mind begins to set the limit. No wonder it has been said that you are the result of your thought, even more than you will ever realize.
The dominant thought in your heart controls you. Your ‘today' is a product of your yesterday's thought. Your mind is the architectural blueprint for tomorrow's circumstances. That is why the Bible admonishes us to rule over our mind by feeding it with materials that will produce good and pure thoughts. The charge is, "Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy – meditate (or think) on these things" (Philippians 4:8).
A good illustration of the effect of a mindset is found in the life of David, as recorded in 1 Samuel 17. The Philistines had besieged Israel and there was a perfect setting for a war. Then David's father sent him to see how his brothers were doing at the war front. He discovered, to his chagrin, that a Philistine champion was intimidating the entire army of Israel, including the king. No one from the camp of the children of Israel could accept the challenge from the camp of the enemy. The challenger was still bragging when David walked into the camp. Everybody was just afraid. But David looked at Goliath and said to himself: "I can kill this man."
That is the result of a positive mindset! The mindset of every other person on the side of Israel was that of fear, but David refused to be afraid. When the words of David were reported to the king, he sent for him. Then David said to Saul: "Let no man's heart fail him because of this Philistine. Your servant will go and fight with him." What brought about this mindset?
Verses 33 through 37 of our reference chapter states, "And Saul said to David: ‘You are not able to fight with him; for you are a youth, and he a man of war from his youth.' But David said to Saul: ‘Your servant used to keep his father's sheep, and when a lion or a bear came and took a lamb out of the flock, I went after it and struck it, and delivered the lamb from its mouth; and when it arose against me, I caught it by its beard, and struck and killed it. Your servant has killed both lion and bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, seeing he has defied the armies of the living God.'
"Moreover David said: ‘The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.'"
At the end of that discussion, the king saw a mindset for victory. He saw a lad whose confidence was wholly in God. He saw ability in a young man, which he himself did not have. He could not help but say Go.
What is your mindset today? Are you afraid? Are you in the army, yet fearful and shivering with all the potential God has given you? Are you weighed down by the fact that you have failed once or twice before? Were you defeated because you heard people say it was impossible? You can get into the Word of God, no matter your situation. You can go back in time and bring to mind the victories God has granted you before. You can begin to rejoice in the horn of your salvation.
One man that made a decision that changed his mindset is Bob Harrison. He tells his own story: "As a young man I had achieved a good level of economic success, but was constantly battling with negative expectations, unclear priorities, emotional instability and fear of failure. I was determined once and for all to drive that lack mentality out of my life.
"I got my Bible out and started studying the stories in which financial miracles and breakthroughs are recorded. I also searched to discover key verses on personal and economic success and overcoming lack. I wrote these verses on 3" x 5" cards and carried them everywhere.
"Every free moment I had, I pulled them out of my pockets and confess them again and again to drive them into my belief system. Then I purchased twelve tape recorders and placed them throughout our home, in all our bedrooms and bathrooms, the kitchen, the laundry room and in both cars. Every available waking moment I devoured motivational tapes and keyed in on biblical economics.
"I also realised that I needed to change some of my close associations. I could not afford to regularly associate with ungodly acquaintances or poverty thinking friends with their negative attitudes and their unwillingness to change. I was determined to rise to a higher level of thinking and living. No one was going to hold me down.
"Soon I began to notice a change inside of me. Creativity, power, faith, positive affirmation and fresh new dreams began to spring from my inner being. A short time later, I had to fight my way through a season of unbelievable financial pressure in my business. I was able to survive only because prior to these attacks I had taken time and effort to flood my mind with faith and life-changing truth.
"In addition, my marriage and family relationships took on a new stability, improved communication and fresh love. Also a hunger and appreciation developed in the spiritual arena of my life. In many ways I became a different and much improved person. From that time to this, I have led an overcoming and victorious life. I have experienced innumerable situations of financial increase and supernatural favour. I successfully raised five children and I have imparted countless number of lives through my speaking engagements. In addition, I have been able to raise and/or contribute thousands and hundreds of dollars for the poor and needy as well as continually bless my church."
Now, this is not just limited to Bob. You too can rise from your limbo today and move to an overcoming realm through your mindset. You can put into practice what you have read about Bob. You can change your mindset through the Word of God.
It is time to rise up and take what is yours. Remember, you cannot rise above the dominant thoughts in your heart. If your problem is sickness, fill your heart with God's word on healing. If it is failure, fill your mind with God's word on success. Whatever it is, look for the relevant scriptural verses and feed fat on them. You will not fail, in Jesus' name.