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Eczema Natural Treatment In Your Own Home
Many have thought up all forms of weird and wonderful ideas and some far to crude to put into print.
Most Doctors will tell you that Eczema and Asthma go hand in hand, and if you get the one there's a good chance you will get the other.
They are both said to be caused by allergies but medical science has come up with the thought that it is diet based rather than being close to a cat or a dog or having a house full of dust mites.
After having several members of my own family who were sufferers I asked them what they thought and everyone agreed that animals were the main offenders and that whenever they were close to a different animal the itching started.
Some of these family members have pets of there own yet when they go to another house where there are pets the symptoms begin to show.
But deciding to gain more information I began to study the case from medical science who claimed that there was a natural cure, and the reason behind the allergy to pets was because the body was not equipped to fight back yet if the patient's diet had been improved it would have been.
So the more I read the more I began to be fascinated and I started to believe that there was such a thing as Eczema natural cure without using drugs or creams or anything of that nature.
The information was not on one web page and I had to do a lot of searching to find out what was going on and how this natural cure worked.
Then little by little I began to put the pieces together and the only way I can describe it is as follows.
Just imagine for a few minutes that the human body is a machine, and that it is powered by water.
Actually this is not far from the truth.
Now all water has a ph level either being neutral, acidic or alkaline.
If you were too continually to feed acidic water into this machine things would start to go wrong as the acid would eat into the finer parts of the machine.
The same thing is happening to your body.
That's why people get Osteoporosis, and Cancers and many other diseases as well.
You may find this subject fascinating like I did but you must bare in mind that I am not a Doctor but the research was done by Doctors so I find it believable.
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