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Do You Know If There Are Errors on Your Credit Report? You Need to Check Today!
Since the agencies collect all information about you, they simply know every thing about you with regard to your financial situation, the good days and the bad days, the divorce, your days of unemployment, the times when you defaulted in payment of your dues and so on.
This is all quite true.
But, the other side of the situation is that, errors can creep into your credit reports inadvertently, beyond your control and without the immediate knowledge of the agencies themselves.
A person may give negative information, which hasn't been cleared by you, and this will bring a negative score.
A lending institution or a bank, while passing on information about another person to the agency may inadvertently make a mistake in the account name or the social security number, and when the name or the number, happens to be yours, then wrong information goes into your report and your credit score goes for a toss.
Another mistake that occurs is when one creditor reporting to one agency, say the Experian, during a year, reports to the next agency Equifax the next year.
When this happens, the information about a past due given to Experian will remain as such and your clearing the due later on, will be updated with Equifax.
So the reports of both these agencies will be contradictory and so will your scores.
Each of the three agencies vies with one another to get more lenders and creditors report to them for financial gain.
They are least concerned about what happens to your credit report or your scores.
The credit reports of these agencies are never correct or accurate.
So, if you haven't seen your credit score, you should look at it today.
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