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Reach Out to Friends on the Go With 4G

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Strong social ties have been linked to a range of positive outcomes including better health and well-being.
People are sociable by nature, establishing circles of friends in their work and school environments.
New technologies now make it much easier to strengthen those ties and even build new friendships.
With wireless internet around town, for example, you can use email, social networking sites, and chat to constantly connect with people that you care about.
Adults who grew up before the invention of the World Wide Web are able to remember what it was like to lose contact with friends despite promises and the best of intentions.
Without email, Facebook, or cell phones, it used to be much more difficult to stay in touch with people living in other areas.
If a good childhood friend or neighbor moved halfway across the country, you might have sent letters for a while.
Yet because talking on the phone was generally expensive, it was often impossible to do on a regular basis.
Graduation from high school or college meant moving on to new endeavors, but, without the technology to stay connected, these tearful occasions also signaled the end of many friendships.
In just the past two decades, the dynamics of friendship have been transformed.
Wireless internet shrinks distances by allowing individuals to share thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and much more despite the vast geographical spaces that separate them.
When you add someone as a Facebook friend or to your list of contacts in a chat program, they stay there permanently unless you take action to remove them.
When you always see someone there on your friends list, it is much less likely that you will lose touch with that person.
Another benefit of using mobile broadband to connect to such sites is that you can easily form groups that express your beliefs or link you to others around a common purpose or shared experience together.
For example, you can create a group with classmates from your high school or college.
Another one could be dedicated to sharing comments with co-workers or people from a sports team you played on.
Such spaces are very useful when you want to transmit information to a bunch of people all at once.
If you are planning a reunion, for instance, people can respond to the event via Facebook.
This is great for event planners, as the site then generates a comprehensive, updated list of who will be in attendance and who cannot make it.
When it comes to connecting, 4G is one of the most useful and practical services because it covers your laptop wherever you take it.
If you head outdoors for lunch, you can Skype friends via the same connection you used to chat with them during the morning bus ride.
For apartment dwellers who head to Laundromats to clean their clothes, you can upload and organize photos online with the washing machines and dryers running in the background.
You can then share your album using the same wireless internet service while on the bus or train, heading back to your place.
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