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Lead Paint Scraping Tools
- Old lead paint has to be scraped off the underlying wood to thoroughly repaint it again.old wood painted green color image by Tolbxela from
The process of lead paint removal involves a lot of elbow grease and grunt work to scrape old residue off. Sometimes power tools can be used to heat the old paint enough to get it to peel, but ultimately a scraper is need to remove it completely from the underlying surface. Using the right tools makes the job a lot easier, especially if you're the one who has to apply the manual force for the job. - The profile scraper comes with a multiple set of different edges attached to the tool. This variety allows the user to choose the side that works best for the particular edge or surface being scraped. The options work particularly well when dealing with trim areas or curved surfaces typically found around doors and windows.
The boomerang paint scraper is designed with dual convex edges and a concave side. This design allows the user to scrape off curved areas a straight scraper would gouge or scratch incorrectly.
A clapboard paint scraper allows a double scraping action that gets at paint on the edge of clapboard as well as the flat surface on top.
A standard putty scraper is the basic tool most people are familiar with in paint removal. It comes with a straight edge that is horizontal to the handle. The pressure is applied pushing the scraper forward like a shovel.
The five-way scraper is also known as a painter's tool. It comes with a flat blade, a curved s-shape edge on one side, and a curved inward angled on the opposite side. One edge end has a point to pick out tiny particles, and the opposite point is blunt like a screwdriver to pop open paint cans.
Double edge blade tools are designed to scrape in a back-and-forth direction and can cover a large amount of space. They don't work well however due to the need to apply pressure to the blade to make it work against the paint. - In the old days a blow-dryer or heater was applied to paint to get it to peel. Modern power heaters use built in vacuums and scrapers to heat, scrape and suck up the paint parts as they come off the wall. This avoids more lead contamination than necessary.
Wet sanding takes off the remainder of lead paint so that the surface is down to its bare material again. Using a wet method cuts down on dust and traps particles within the moisture for easy cleanup.
Basic heat guns are still also used for paint peeling. This tool can project heat under 1,100 degrees Fahrenheit, cooking the paint until it blisters. This then makes it easy to scrap off the surface. Going any hotter would vaporize the paint making it poisonous to breathing. - Protective clothing is a must when working with lead removal. Using gloves and protecting coverings for clothing keeps paint particles from getting into the skin and clothes. Respirators allow users to avoid breathing the particles or ingesting them accidentally.
Plastic mats, plastic tarp, and taping should be used liberally to block off treatment areas to avoid contamination from traveling. By tarping off the areas to be treated, the airborne dust can be captured and stopped before it migrates to another room. - Chemical solvents and paint removers work effectively on lead paint. However, they emit harmful fumes which can be both poisonous and flammable. These chemicals can also cause serious skin damage if the user does not wear the proper protective covering.
Hand Tools
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