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A Safe Welcome to Newborn Babies
Childbirth has become an extremely complicated process where it could cost upwards of fifteen thousand dollars to have a baby in a hospital.
That is of course, if you don't have insurance.
The Boulder Hospital charges around that much to have your child there.
Of course, it is very important to keep the mother as comfortable as possible when she's going through the pain of pregnancy.
The safety precautions that doctors and hospitals take these days are admirable in the United States, but it only makes your mind wander to less fortunate countries where they are having their children without sanitized equipment, clean water, or even a doctor to watch over the mother if something goes wrong.
Fifteen thousand dollars seems like a little too much now since it could save many lives in less fortunate countries.
But after the child is born, there are still thousands of books to choose from telling the parent's how to raise their child.
There's always the argument of whether the child should be allowed to cry itself to sleep or if the parents should comfort them when they cry at night.
Studies have come out both supporting and condemning the method.
Personally, I think that it would be a lousy idea to start neglecting your child at the very beginning.
There are times in the parents' lives where their child will feel unloved because of how busy the parents become, but it shouldn't start during infancy.
Why start the pattern at an early stage when you should be letting your child know that you'll be there for them no matter what? Another popular argument is whether breastfeeding is a better alternative to formula or other forms of nourishment.
Again, studies have shown that both have their advantages.
It's generally agreed upon that the child and the mother become closer because of the act of breastfeeding, but it's unclear if the baby or the mother is feeling this attachment.
I think that both forms are acceptable as long as it is being done right.
Warm formula in a bottle feels almost the same as the real thing, but it is still a substitute.
I guess the safe bet is to breastfeed the child since that is the natural way to do it.
We don't realize in our jaded world that children are still fragile and innocent.
Maybe we should keep them that way for as long as possible.
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