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Dog Training Tips
Just imagine how bad an untrained dog is.
An untrained dog could litter anywhere in your house.
This gives you're a house a foul odor that is pretty difficult to figure out where it is coming from.
Aside from that untrained dogs could be so active that your house may turn into a mess.
All of these things could all be avoided though with proper training.
Proper training or disciplining your dog can help lessen the hassles.
However training a dog is no easy task too.
A dog may be smart for an animal but it will still take time and hard work to get your dog trained.
Here are some things that make your dog's training be more effective though.
A dog will become more trained and disciplined if what you are doing becomes a daily ritual.
Making the training very ritualistic will make the dog remember the training slowly.
So it is important to train your dog daily.
You would need to sacrifice a few weeks of doing this to get your dog trained.
When doing this, it is better to make daily short sessions compared to a weekly long one.
When training the dog, it is best not to use harshness that much.
Instead try to use love and appreciation.
If your dog follows the things you ask him or her to do give a doggy treat.
Don't give the treat until the task is done.
Try doing this whenever you have free time during your day.
Remember that you are talking to dog.
When training a dog give simple commands, don't give complex commands such as "prepare me dinner" or "wash your own ass" while the training is still at an early stage.
It's better to give simple commands such as sit and come.
Try not to confuse your dog when training.
Only use one word for one action.
, when eating try to only say "eat" not "chow".
Try to use different words for every different action you'd want your dog doing.
When training a dog you and your family must be on the same page.
You may be training your dog to stop digging at the garden.
But your son still says it's OK to the dog.
When this happens the training may just be useless.
So when training a dog, it's best to have the family members cooperating.
Training a dog is not an easy task really.
But that is the sheer reality that you must now face when owning a dog.
You must now be responsible for the dog's life and attitude and that includes you training him or her.
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