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Issues in Middle Schools
- The middle school years are notoriously plagued by bullying. Bullying exists in many forms, from verbal teasing, to exclusion from peers, to physical force or threatening behavior. Middle schoolers bully to gain control, appear powerful, feel cooler and avoid being bullied themselves. Unfortunately, bullying is detrimental for both parties involved. For instance, bullies have higher rates of drug use and abusive behaviors in the future. Meanwhile, bullying victims often suffer from depression, loneliness and interpersonal problems.
- Many middle schoolers begin looking for ways to assert themselves, disobey their parents, indulge in what they consider to be adult behaviors and break the rules. Unfortunately, it is common for students in middle school to begin using a variety of drugs. Many students are introduced to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol. Students might sniff or huff household substances, such as aerosol containers, glue or paint, to get high. In some cases, students begin using illicit substances, ranging from marijuana and other hallucinogenics, to cocaine or other harder substances.
- The teenage years have always been associated with sexual curiosity and heightened sexual drive. With increased hormone levels and the conception of being adults, many middle school students, some not even teens, are engaging in sexual acts. There is also a social aspect to it: many girls and boys in middle school become sexually active to avoid being teased and to gain peer approval. This can backfire, however, especially unfortunately for many females who can gain negative reputations for their actions, while many males get high fives and acceptance.
- Gone are the days of story time and learning basic math; in middle school, students are thrown into a rigorous academic schedule with several (sometimes nine) classes a day. Instead of a single worksheet for homework, middle school students find themselves facing hours of assignments and projects from their multitude of classes every night. Middle school also offers more extracurricular activities, clubs and sports, which demands more time. To top it off, students face the pressure of doing well to prepare for high school and ultimately college.
Drugs and Alcohol
Academic Pressure
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