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Find Affordable Teen Auto Insurance Using Insurance Price Quotes
By comparing auto quotes from different companies who are bidding for your business, you can compare quotes and save hundreds of dollars on your premiums.
Insurance price quotes are a time and money saving service that will quickly give you 5 quotes from local agents in your area who are bidding for your insurance business and virtually guarantees that you will find the lowest possible insurance rates for your teenager.
For teenage drivers, a safer car like a Volvo, Toyota Corolla or Honda Civic, with airbags, are much cheaper to insure than say high-performance sports cars, SUVs and very expensive cars.
The difference in premiums driving safe cars as compared to high-risk SUVs can be 50%.
The more safety features that a car has, such as side-impact air bags, seat belts that are automatic, anti-lock brakes, traction control and other similar features, the lower the premiums will be for teenagers.
When you get multiple Insurance Price Quotes, your teenagers make of car will greatly affect the premiums.
Make sure your teenager keeps a 3.
0 grade point average or higher in school to qualify for discounts, as such students are seen as more responsible by insurance companies, and thus less likely to be involved in an accident.
Driver safety courses from accredited Driving Schools qualify for discounts from most insurance companies.
It is a good idea to impress upon your teenager the value of a safe driving record, and that tickets of any kind, for speeding, running stop signs, parking violations, or accidents can raise his premiums drastically.
A good way to impress this upon them is to make them pay for any raise in rates due to tickets or accidents out of their own pocket.
Teens who are involved in some community or civic organizations like Girl Scouts and Eagle Scouts are seen as lower risks by some companies and qualify for discounts by these companies.
If your teen belongs to an organization such as this, ask your insurance company if they have discounts for this.
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