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Utah Drunk Driving Laws
- The blood-alcohol limit for driving in Utah is 0.08 percent.alcohol image by Andrey Rakhmatullin from
Utah's DUI laws fall under the Utah Traffic Code, Title 41, Chapter 06a. Under this code, DUI is defined as driving under the influence of alcohol, drugs or a combination of both. The state of Utah's DUI laws apply for all drivers in the state of Utah regardless of whether they are residents. - Under Utah law, a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent is intoxicated and can result in a DUI offense.
Drivers under the age of 21 fall under the zero-tolerance rule, meaning a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.02 percent can result in a DUI offense. - A first offense of DUI for a driver 21 years old or older will result in a suspension of the drivers license for 120 days. A second DUI offense for drivers over 21 will result in revocation of their driver's license for two years. If the driver refuses to submit to a chemical test and has received a previous sanction for DUI, the license revocation period is 36 months.
- A first offense for a driver under 21 years old will result in a driver's license suspension of 120 days or until the driver's 21st birthday, whichever is a longer period. A second offense for a driver under 21 will result in a revocation of the driver's license for two years or until the driver's 21st birthday, whichever is longer. If a driver under 21 refuses to take a chemical test, the driver's license will be revoked for 18 months or until the driver is 21.
- When a driver is alcohol-restricted, he may not have any alcohol in their system while driving. A driver can become alcohol-restricted for offenses such as DUI, refusal to submit to a chemical test, alcohol-related reckless driving, automobile homicide and impaired driving.
Blood-Alcohol Concentration
Drivers Over 21
Drivers Under 21
Alcohol-Restricted Driver
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