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Methods for Improving Memory
- Complete brain games to help improve your memory.Crossword Puzzle image by Gramper from
The human brain functions on a more complex level than any machine, according to Help Guide. In order to maintain and improve your memory, you must nurture it with the right habits. Certain techniques can help you improve your memory function and increase your ability to recall things that you could not before. - The Mayo Clinic states that mentally stimulating activities help keep your memory active. Do crossword puzzles, learn a new language or play a musical instrument. As you make an effort to utilize your mental capabilities, this will improve your memory function as well.
- When trying to remember someone or something, assign an image to that thing. Assigning an image to something helps you recall it easier, according to Mind Tools. For instance, when meeting someone for the first time, assign an image to help you remember his name. This image can include something that you physically saw or something that reminds you of his name. If his name is Harry and he has a lot of hair, this will help you recall his name when necessary.
- When your break your routine you use brain pathways that you did not use before, according to Help Guide. Trying to write or brush your hair with your nondominant hand will help you use the other side of your brain. Try to break something in your routine every day to keep your brain active.
- Improving your memory comes with practice. Practice memorizing something like a page in a book or a song. Recite what you memorized every day. When you have one part memorized, continue to the next. This will help utilize your memory and make it stronger.
- Help Guide states that exercising daily increases the oxygen to the brain thus improving the memory function. Physical activity can also help reduce the risk of diseases that lead to memory loss such as heart disease and diabetes. Participate in a physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day to improve your memory.
- Not drinking enough water can lead to memory loss, according to the Mayo Clinic. Stay well-hydrated throughout the day to protect your healthy brain cells. Drinking water also helps get rid of unhealthy toxins in your body that might lead to poor memory.
Get Mentally Active
Assign an Image
Break Your Routine
Practice Memorizing
Drink Water
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